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Quick Fix Golf is a proven program to fix your game…quickly! The teaching professionals at Quick Fix are skilled at 1) immediately identifying swing flaws, and 2) communicating guidance and practice drills to dramatically improve anyone’s golf swing.

The foundation of the Quick Fix Method is the golf instruction expertise and philosophy of PGA professionals, Bobby Lopez and Darren deMaille, two of the world’s most highly respected golf instructors. With a combined 60 years of teaching experience, Bobby and Darren honed their craft by working with legendary instructors and ball strikers like Vince Allen, Chico Miartuz, Bob Toski, Jim Flick, Michael Breed, Martin Hall, and Jack Druga. 





Local Lessons in..... 
Richmond, VA
Myrtle Beach, SC
Online Academy
Free Quick Fix for: 
  • Men
  • Ladies
  • Short Game
  • Juniors
Call   833 88-78425​


PGA National Award Winner
President’s Council on “The Growth of the Game” 2010
Rated #2 in Havana (There's only on other pro on the whole island!)

Our Founder Bobby Lopez PGA Pro has been teaching golf since 1970. Bobby Lopez studied the golf swing under some of the most legendary ball strikers of all time – such as Vince Allen, Dick Farley, Chico Miartuz, Bob Toski, “Wild” Bill Melhorn, John Jacobs and Henry Cotton. He’s a former European Touring Pro, and a full “Class A” Member of the PGA. He was nominated for Golf Magazine’s list of Top 100 Golf Instructors.

Our teaching style is very unique.  The Quick Fix Golf Golf concept was built on the philosophy of finding YOUR one or two glaring swing faults and prescribe a solution. We allow every golfer their individual style. Jim Furyk or Lee Trevino could take a lesson with Quick Fix Golf because we would NOT interfere with their natural tendencies and only address any issues that have in hindered their golf swings.

“Good players know their swing! They also know how to keep their swing faults under control, sometimes!”

Bobby Lopez, PGA Pro




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Quick Fix Reviews:


Arron Bowles – "I lowered my handicap from a 20 to a 13!"


Margit Connelly – "I just shot a 76!" Peter Sierlicki – "I can hit a 7 iron where I used to use a 5 iron!"


George Misok – "I've gained 40 – 60 yards on my tee shots!"


John Hall – "One of the smartest things I’ve done!"


Clyde Johnson – "It’s been fun and rewarding!" ...




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